
I believe the first step in any therapeutic work is to provide an empathetic, non-judgemental, warm, supportive environment. My priority is to offer and hold a space in which my clients feel safe and heard.

We often find ourselves in uncomfortable or challenging situations and environments we cannot change. What we can change, however, is how we perceive our context, how that makes us think and feel, and thus how we choose to act rather than re-act.

Together, we can visit the past to serve the present. By making connections with our history, we can gain a deeper understanding of present day conflicts and obstacles, release the emotions that block us, and develop our inner resources in order to find a daily existence that better corresponds to our aspirations.

I am an integrative psychotherapist. My approach is rooted in the existentialist vision of our human condition, especially our quest for meaning and purpose. I use diverse models and modalities that namely combine mind-body techniques, cognitive and behavioral processes, and mindfulness. As part of this integrative approach, a spiritual perspective also inhabits my work

As I am also a kinesiologist, I use muscle testing when appropriate, which allows us to work in order of priority. This can guide the work in a very productive way, saving time, allowing flexible and creative practical approaches, tailored to individual needs.

My approach acknowledges the role of bio-energetic systems within and between people as being very important components of health, healing and wellbeing. As a therapist, I combine this energy work with other cognitive, behavioral and mindful interventions, using bio-energy systems such as meridians and bio-fields. With the release of these “negative” or blocking and stuck energies, we can learn to live with less fear, less stress and gain an understanding of the obstacles that prevent us from living a full and satisfying life. Traumatic events can become stuck and have a very significant detrimental impact on our body and mind. Energy work helps release these traumas. When these events are not released, they most often lead to emotional distress and they affect the way we experience the world and relate to others.

My curiosity and interest allow current research to continuously nurture my work with clients. There is an ever-growing body of research on evidence-based treatments and strategies for wellbeing. Furthermore, the fast-paced development of neurosciences allows us to have a better idea of how our brain is functioning. From a clearer understanding of trauma, attachment theory, infant brain development, the role of the body in healing and the nature of the therapy relationship itself, research in this field is changing the way we practice as therapists and allows us to be more efficient in eliciting therapeutic changes.

I provide support in diverse areas, namely:

Struggles about existential facts of human life, and especially the quest for meaning and purpose.


  • Generalized anxiety
  • Work / School-related stress
  • Relationship stress
  • Phobias / Fears
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) tendencies
  • Panic attacks
  • Social anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • Test / Performance anxiety


  • Marriage / Divorce / Break-ups
  • Pregnancy / Birth of a child / Adjustment to parenthood
  • Adoption
  • Bullying
  • Transition to the work force or to a new job / Career changes
  • Diagnosis of an illness
  • Learning difficulties
  • Death of a loved one and other losses
  • etc.

Parenting and child wellbeing:

Parents want what is best for their children, but it is sometimes difficult to know how to handle the challenges of child-rearing. One of four siblings and mother of four, I work with children and parents, suggesting strategies and providing support namely to:

  • Release challenging emotions for the child (anger, frustration, fear, sadness, etc.)
  • Increase cooperation and a positive atmosphere in the home
  • Develop collaborative problem-solving
  • Set routines, bedtime etc.
  • Encourage positive reinforcement and validation
  • Develop active listening and communication
  • School struggles
  • etc.

I also teach a Conscious Parenting Course


Adolescence is a particularly challenging stage of development that requires sensitivity to the teen’s emerging need for (or fear of) autonomy. Today’s teenagers and their parents face a myriad of issues that can result in emotional distress- pressure to be “perfect,” –namely body image– the constant presence of social media, to name just a few. Because tension can run high between teens and their parents, it can often be helpful for teens to have another caring adult in their life with whom to discuss their struggles and successes. Parents of teens may find it difficult to balance supporting their teens’ independence while, at the same time, providing the structure, safety and connection their teens needs. I work with both teens and their parents to navigate these exciting yet challenging years. I offer support namely for: 

  • Emotional wellbeing of the teenager and parents
  • Development of communication skills
  • Conflict resolution