Marina Berney
Malabar, NSW 2036
Mob: +61 (0)4 30 09 89 88
Marina Berney
Malabar, NSW 2036
Mob: +61 (0)4 30 09 89 88
If you are interested in a Brain Gym course, a Qi-Touch course, a Communication course or a Positive Neuroplasticity training, please contact me via email to receive details concerning the next available one. Any course can be tailored to your needs, or for your institution and organised on request in French or English.
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“The Qi-Touch course allowed me to feel more self confident and astonished to see what I was capable of. It also made me feel in awe for what a marvel the human being is.”
“I felt nurtured by the Qi-Touch course, namely thanks to all the philosophy and the body/soul approach that opened doorways to the infinite.”
“After the workshop, we did a balance with a patient that had a peripheral neuropathy. While we were doing the balance with him he fell asleep and could not feel any pain”
“Qi-Touchpoints and balances are easily accessible on the body. The exercises conducted on ourselves and then with our partners allowed us very quickly to measure how ‘powerful’ the method is.”
“ The Qi-Touch course was very nurturing from both a personal and a professional aspect because it was complimentary to my work. It was very clear, well documented and easy to integrate”.
“ I was enriched by the Qi-touch experience as it touched some of my very profound emotions by the only effect of my own touch. It is simple and easy to remember so that I can apply anytime in my daily busy life”
“The Qi-Touch course has opened the way for me to communicate with my body which I never have done before”
“The Qi-Touch course was fascinating in itself. I especially loved the fact that we can use what we learn not only for ourselves, but also for those close to us who we can enjoy looking after.”
“The Qi-Touch course is an opportunity for both ourselves and our relatives to have a balanced lifestyle and to live better and happier. This is thanks to its simplicity and the depth of its content”.
“ I felt enriched by theQi-Touch course, namely because each of us brought his/her contribution for a special, pleasant, interesting and important time for our own life, I think”
“I loved to learn this method, simple to practice and efficient in our everyday life”